Company Overview

PEN Management and Development Consultants (PMDC) Limited was set up in 2012 as the consulting arm of PEN, a development organisation incorporated in Kenya and based in Nairobi. PMDC envisions a society and economy in which the government works with civil society and the private sector to create positive social and environmental impact while generating economic value.

PMDC designs and implements interventions to support the work of clients in areas such as program design and evaluation, governance and leadership, organisational change, systems development and a wide range of institutional strengthening work. PMDC’s team of development professionals brings an impressive depth of experience, knowledge and skills from working with a broad range of organisations and leaders in Kenya, the entire Africa region as well as overseas. PMDC is committed to providing cost effective services to civil society organisations, businesses, and public agencies to help achieve the impact and sustainability needed to make social change a reality.

PMDC consulting values are professionalism, honesty and transparency, open communication, fair compensation and value for money. We achieve this through the implementation of several key principles:

Fact-driven deliverables
We allow facts, developed through external benchmarking and internal analysis, to drive solutions and conclusions over theories.
Tailored, holistic approach
Building upon existing client’s knowledge and skills, we adapt and apply learning from benchmarking and analysis to consider strengths and constraints specific to the client’s operating model. This ensures ownership and control by client.
Comparative advantage
Our team of consultants integrate varied relevant skills – namely technical skills and socio-economic and communication skills needed to facilitate and manage a process of change.
Delivering results
Successfully implementing change means delivering lasting results for our clients, target groups and partners. We not only advise our clients, but also support them in the implementation processes that follow their decisions.
Realistic timelines
Working collaboratively with our client teams, we seek to strike the right balance between pushing boundaries and ensuring implementation success, focusing on big wins

The quest for excellence drives our cooperation with clients. We apply the highest performance and quality standards to our services and products- and to the people and processes involved in their delivery. We constantly question established concepts and further develop proven practices to achieve optimal results.


Our lively, fair and open communication enables much more than simply the exchange of information. We are constantly able to learn from difficulties by jointly addressing them in a timely version and through constructive dialogue. Our culture of communication encourages the solidarity and trust that is indispensable to mutual learning.

PMDC is a value-driven social enterprise, dedicated to advancing best practices and improving capacity in poverty reduction programs, policy, philanthropy and corporate social investment, through provision of consulting services to not-for-profit, private and public organisations.

PMDC’s Goals

Our goal: provision of high quality consultancy which enables all actors to improve their interventions to help positively transform society, push for value driven actors across all sectors positively engaging and fostering collaboration for the transformation of society and provision of sustainable financial support to PEN.

Guiding Principles and Values of PMDC Consulting

  • Professionalism:
  • Honesty and transparency:
  • Open communication:
  • Fair compensation:
  • Value for money:

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Contact us

6th Floor, Sir Francis Ibiam House, AACC Compound, Waiyaki Way, Westlands.
PO Box 4932 - 00200, City Square, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254-20-242 8035, +254-20-816 64164, Mobile: +254-720-600656